Therapists worldwide learned how important it is to be prepared for the future.

But they also learned just how uncertain that future could be.

Therapists have to start preparing for the uncertain future today if they want a long, healthy career.

Here are 5 ways therapists today are preparing for an uncertain future.

By Engaging With Potential Clients

Whether it be answering the phone, responding to emails, or answering questions on social media, a therapist that is constantly (and consistently) engaging with people will develop a healthy following that is key for a long career.

Authority, leadership, and support. That’s what people see when a therapist prioritizes engaging with potential clients.

By Networking With Other Providers

It might seem, on the surface, that therapists would see other providers as competition.

But that is rarely the case.

A career in mental health services can be a bit of a grind without support. And it’s a unique grind. Only therapists and other providers really get it.

Networking with other providers has a ton of benefits.

          Referrals – the job is MUCH easier when the provider and client just…click. With a healthy network of providers on your side,            you can refer clients to providers that match their needs better, AND other providers can do the same for you.

          Stay Connected – networking is a great way to stay connected to the industry, especially new information, strategies, and                      techniques.

          Support – you know how important being seen and heard can be. Sometimes, that’s all we need. A network of providers, all                  supporting each other, is essential for a long career.

By Developing Career Skills

Therapists who can focus on their everyday duties while still finding time for professional development are much better suited for the future than those that don’t.

With new, fresh-faced people joining the industry every day, therapists need to consistently develop their professional career skills if they don’t want to fall behind.

Luckily, providers have many opportunities to learn new skills, refine practices, and otherwise continue their development – but it won’t just fall into their collective laps.

By Becoming a Better Manager

Even without a private practice, therapists still need some manager-based skills.

And those with (or considering) a private practice need them even more.

No matter what, providers can do themselves a big favor by specifically investing in their management skills.

Being a great manager helps therapists find longevity in their careers in a variety of ways.

Great therapists who are also great managers spend fewer hours each week doing the tasks we don’t want to do, freeing them up to work out of their superpowers more than the others.

By Getting Help

The most important thing a therapist can do for their career is to get help when they need it.

Even private practitioners don’t have to be entirely on their own.

Here at BetterHelp, we’ve assisted thousands of providers in achieving the career they desire.

You’re passionate about what you do. So are we!

You empower others to pursue the lives they want safely. It’s what you do best.

We help passionate providers, like you, do that as effectively and easily as possible. It’s what we do best!

Download our free whitepaper, Facing Uncertainty with Flexibility, to see how we help providers like you prepare for an uncertain future.

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